Healthy Eating Guide


Food provides the nutrients to help the body function properly. No single food contains them all in the amounts needed so a mixture of foods has to be eaten. Food is broken down into food groups of which there are five commonly accepted ones:


Bread, cereals and potatoes                   Fruit and vegetables                      Milk and diary foods                      

Meat, fish and alternatives                     Fatty and sugary foods


To get the wide range of nutrients the body needs to remain healthy it is important to choose a variety of foods from the first four groups every day. Foods in the fifth group (fatty and sugary foods) are not essential to a healthy diet, but add extra choice and taste.


                    This brand new guide covers the whole family chapters include:


                   Eating Healthily for a Better Heart                    The Secrets to Eating Healthily

                   The Benefits of Healthy Eating                          Beat Obesity with Healthy Eating

                   Healthy Eating for Adult                                    Healthy Eating during Pregnancy

                   Healthy Eating for Infants                                  Healthy Eating for Teenagers

                   Healthy Eating for People over Sixty                 Why Should You Eat Healthily?

                   Healthy Eating during Exams                             Healthy Eating for Diabetics

                   Healthy Eating at Work                                    Eating Healthily Under Stress

                   Healthy Eating Recipes                                     Healthy Eating on a Budget


Feel Good and Look Young with Healthy Eating

Dark Chocolate Is Healthy Eating - Miracle or Myth?

Stimulating Your Love Life with Healthy Eating


And Much More !


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good for your body. For just one low price of £7 plus £2 postage you will learn how exactly

you can eat right and find more energy. 


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